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“Making a Difference” on Ozarks Public Radio

Special series explores key issues impacting our community.

In partnership with Ozarks Public Radio

Personal stories told by local voices.

Produced in cooperation with KSMU – Ozarks Public Radio, Making a Difference is a long-running series that explores key issues impacting our community. Past seasons have included first person accounts of life with mental illness and Story Corps-style interviews by people involved in the CFO’s programs.

The latest in Making a Difference

The current season of Making a Difference explores the CFO's legacy for the foundation's 50th anniversary and looks at what might be ahead.

2022–23: A Note from the Teacher

In this season, Making a Difference features first person stories from teachers in the rural Ozarks.

2021–22: Community Focus Report Roundtables

With the publication of the 2021 Community Focus Report for Springfield & Greene County, Making a Difference takes a different approach with half-hour panel discussions on each of the report’s 11 topic areas.

2020–21: Connecting Through Conversation

Civil discussion is an important quality for our community. This series features conversations between people who have differing perspectives but enjoy respectful relationships.

2019–20: Conversations on Collaboration

Collaboration has long been considered one of the Springfield community’s greatest strengths. The 2019–20 season of “Making a Difference” explores different examples of how collaboration continues to make the community a better place to live.

2018–19: Let’s Talk About It! Normalizing Mental Health Conversations

Spurred by the mental health needs assessment of Springfield and Greene County and increasing red flags related to mental health identified by the 2019 Community Focus Report, this award-winning series, produced by Mike Smith and Jamie Henline, shares first-person accounts of mental health struggles from local residents.

Previous episodes of “Making a Difference”

Find segments dating back to 2013 on

More about MAD

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