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Musgrave Multi-Year Impact Grants: Keys to Housing 2025 - Jeannette L. Musgrave Foundation - Community Foundation of the Ozarks
Keys to Housing $750,000 over three years will fund successful proposals that support affordable and safe housing opportunities in the Springfield area. Learn More

A report of the full history of gifts, grants, expenses and non-gifts for a fund can be generated using Fund Manager following these simple steps:

  1. On the home page for a fund, click on one of these four tabs:
    1. Gifts: All contributions or donations to the fund
    2. Grants: All grants to nonprofit organizations from the fund
    3. Expenses: All distributions to vendors from the fund
    4. Non-Gifts: All non-charitable contributions to the fund
  2. On the next page, scroll down to see the columns. When you hover over the column headers (Date, ID, Status, etc.) a small filter symbol will pop up. Click that filter to set a date range for the report. You can use filters for each tab and most column headers to set different parameters on the report.
  3. When ready to create the report, use the horizontal scroll bar beneath the tabs to scroll all the way to the right and find the “Export” tab.
  4. Click on “Export.” A spreadsheet file will automatically download.
  5. Locate the file and open with a spreadsheet application (Excel, Numbers, etc.).

All transactions of that particular type for the history of the fund will be contained in the file.

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