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Oct. 21, 2019

The Community Foundation of the Ozarks welcomes five new members and a new slate of officers to its Board of Directors for the 2019–20 fiscal year. Directors on the 21-member board can serve up to two three-year terms.

The new board members are:

  • Laurie Edmondson, Associate Professor in the Drury University School of Education and Child Development.
  • Jeff Layman, Chief Investment Officer and Principal at FORVIS Wealth Advisors. Layman also serves as the Chair of the Investment Advisory Board.
  • Ron Reed, Rolla, outgoing President of the Houston Community Foundation.
  • Dean Thompson, Republic, Associate General Manager for Springfield City Utilities.
  • Bryan Vowels, Joplin, Financial Advisor for Wells Fargo.

The 2019-20 Executive Committee is comprised of: Abram McGull II, Springfield, Chair; Rhonda Christopher, Springfield, Vice Chair; Jim Holt, Nixa, Treasurer; Morey Mechlin, Springfield, Secretary; Debra Shantz Hart, Springfield, at-large; Robin Morgan, West Plains, at-large; Jeff Layman, Springfield, Investment Advisory Board Chair; and Robin Walker, Monett, Chair Emeritus.

Meet the Board

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