Oct. 20, 2020
New affiliate to receive $30,000 matching grant from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City
Despite the challenges of fundraising during a pandemic, the founding board of the Nevada/Vernon County Community Foundation has quickly raised $30,000 to start a permanent endowment and become the 51st regional affiliate foundation with the Community Foundation of the Ozarks.
The generous support from the community will be matched by a $30,000 grant from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City. The grant will provide $10,000 for three years to support grantmaking that will address the health needs related to barriers associated with low living wages, educational access, workforce improvement and neighborhood investment.
“We’re grateful for all the support that our community has shown for its new foundation,” said Greg Hoffman, founding board president of the NVCCF. “We look forward to growing the foundation so that we may assist nonprofits in Vernon County and help the community continually improve for generations.”
The founding board also includes:
- Kelly Ast, Vice President, Community Economic Developer
- Wayne Reinert, Treasurer, retired from 1st National Bank of Nevada
- Sheree Gayman, Secretary, Director, Nevada/Vernon County Chamber of Commerce
- Betsy Curtis, Director of Business Development at Heartland Behavioral Health
- Amanda Fisher, Director of In-Home Services at On My Own Inc.
- Jennifer Gundy, Executive Director at On My Own Inc.
- Henry Hodes, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City
- George Knox, Nevada Mayor
- Neal Quitno, Retired Associate Circuit Judge
- Steve Russ, Nevada Regional Medical Center Board President
- Cindy Thompson, Vernon County Northern Commissioner

The founding board of the Nevada/Vernon County Community Foundation. Top row, left to right: Greg Hoffman, president; Kelly Ast, vice president; Wayne Reinert, treasurer; Sheree Gayman, secretary; and Betsy Curtis. Bottom row, left to right: Amanda Fisher; Jennifer Gundy; George Knox; Neal Quitno; Steve Russ; and Cindy Thompson. (Not pictured: Henry Hodes)
As a regional affiliate foundation of the CFO, the NVCCF now has access to a wide range of support, such as back-off services in working with donors, training and technical support for local leaders, and opportunities to participate in grant programs open to affiliate network leaders to build community resources.
Even before the establishment of the NVCCF, the CFO has served as a philanthropic resource for the Nevada/Vernon County community. Recently, a large scholarship endowment was established by the estate of Larry and Linda Hale, longtime residents of Sheldon, to support students from Vernon County who attend Missouri State University. Osage Prairie YMCA and West Central Missouri Community Action Agency have received grants through the CFO’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund. WCMCAA also is a nonprofit agency partner with the CFO. With an affiliate foundation now in place, the potential for the CFO’s philanthropic resources to benefit the community only grows.
The CFO’s Affiliate Foundation program dates to 1993 when the Nixa Community Foundation became the first affiliate. Today, Nixa has assets of more than $2.4 million and has distributed more than $2.8 million back to its community. NVCCF is the second new affiliate added to the CFO’s Affiliate Foundation program this year, preceded by the Ash Grove Area Community Foundation.
“For more than 25 years, our affiliates have helped improve the quality of life in communities all across our region,” said Brian Fogle, president and CEO of the CFO. “By establishing the Nevada/Vernon County Community Foundation, the current residents are showing a dedication to future generations that will call the community home.”
Donors can contribute to the Nevada/Vernon County Grantmaking Fund online.