Jan. 10, 2020
Grant funds vehicle repairs following theft of catalytic converters
The Community Foundation of the Ozarks provided an emergency grant of $5,560.49 to support repairs to six Habitat for Humanity vehicles that had their catalytic converters stolen over the Christmas holidays.
The vehicles included two box trucks used to transport donations to the ReStore, a major funding source for Habitat’s mission, and four vehicles used in the construction process for Habitat homes in Greene County. Habitat for Humanity of Springfield is a longtime nonprofit partner of the CFO.

Habitat for Humanity of Springfield Executive Director Larry Peterson, center, receives the grant from the CFO’s Brian Fogle, President, and Bridget Dierks, Vice President of Programs.
The theft of the catalytic converters rendered the vehicles inoperable until repairs are completed. Habitat also is incurring additional expense to increase security for its vehicles on both a temporary and long-term basis.
“This theft affected Habitat’s ability to carry out its important work in creating more affordable housing in our community,” CFO President Brian Fogle said. “We hope this grant will hasten the vehicle repairs and get the trucks back in service so Habitat can accomplish its mission.”