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CFO publishes Holiday Charitable Giving Guide for 2023

Nov. 27, 2023

Unrestricted gifts to nonprofits provide maximum flexibility

In advance of Giving Tuesday, the Community Foundation of the Ozarks has updated its Holiday Charitable Giving Guide for 2023 at Donors can find immediate needs and links to year-end campaigns for the CFO’s nonprofit agency partners, as well as tips for maximizing charitable giving.

A few tips for donors include:

  • Consider a recurring gift when giving online to support an agency throughout the year. Recurring monthly or quarterly donations to CFO nonprofit partners are easy to establish at
  • To donate time or physical goods, contact agencies to find out what items or services are most needed, as well as how to coordinate delivery of your donation or volunteer services.
  • Unrestricted gifts are the most effective way to give to a nonprofit. These flexible gifts allow agencies to use funds where they are most needed.

The CFO does not provide tax or legal advice and recommends speaking with a professional advisor. If a donor wants to engage with one, members of the CFO’s Professional Advisors Council can be found at

To give donors ideas for charitable gifts, the Holiday Charitable Giving Guide includes a list of links to year-end fundraising campaigns for the CFO’s nonprofit agency partners. Through the Agency Partner Program, the CFO holds funds for about 700 nonprofit agencies, schools, cities and houses of worship across central and southern Missouri. In addition to fund management, the CFO provides these organizations with a range of services to help them grow and better serve our communities.

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