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Let’s Get to Work Fund

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Reducing transportation barriers to employment.

Reducing transportation barriers to employment is the goal of the the Let’s Get to Work Fund, supported by funding from the CFO and gifts from David and Stacey O’Reilly, the O’Reilly Charity Golf Classic Fund, Bass Pro Shops, the Musgrave Foundation and private donors.

Participating Agencies

For Individuals Seeking Assistance

About the Fund

The Let’s Get to Work Fund developed through a series of donor-education events exploring ways that philanthropy can support workforce development. Three panel discussions featuring representatives from the business community, service-oriented nonprofits and workforce development organizations identified three obstacles to employment: workplace flexibility, access to child care and transportation-related barriers. To address the transportation portion of the issue, the CFO established the Let’s Get to Work Fund with generous support from donors David and Stacey O’Reilly and the O’Reilly Charity Golf Classic Fund.

Support the Let’s Get to Work Fund by giving today.

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